Samsung i8910 (OmniaHD) HD Video Trick Doesn't Impress The Girlfriend

via Gizmodo by Jason Chen on 4/15/09

This very cool video was shot solely on the Samsung i8910, which captures 720p video as well as 8-megapixel shots.

Although we can't figure out how they did it, it still is pretty cool. And yes, naturally, his girlfriend is not impressed in the slightest. Take your guess before reading the comments or else you'll spoil the fun.


Unknown said...

cata vrajeala!!!
sunt doua camere (de apartament) identice
iar tipul care filmeaza nu e el :))
ce spoof misto
e viral ca sa promoveze telefonul

aniki said...

dap :)... eu unu mi-am dat seama fiindca "oglinda" nu luceste iar tipa din "reflexie" are parul putin mai odulat si peste umeri si sanii putin mai mari decat cealalta. :))

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