Spain's Selgascano architects built themselves an awesome Office In The Woods

via DVICE by Kevin Hall on 6/12/09

One of the perks of being an architecture firm such as Spain's Selgascano is that you get to design yourself an awesome place to work. Check out Selgascano's "office in the woods," designed by the company's Jose Selgas and Lucia Cano. It's one long, tunnel-like office covered by a curved transparent acrylic window that's 20 millimeters thick and lets in plenty of natural light. The 110-millimeter-thick opaque wall is made from layers of insulated fiberglass and polyester, and shades the office.

To keep things inside cool, one of the ends of the office is attached to a pulley system and the slab can be raised or lowered, letting in some fresh air. Explore more of the office in the woods below, thanks to the gorgeous photography of Iwan Baan.






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