Quno Pod-Car is designed for a future where we live in Pod-Apartments

via DVICE by Kevin Hall on 6/12/09
Quno pod-car is designed for a future where we live in pod-apartments

Well, hey, designer Jeongche Yoon even created a future for his futuristic car, the Quno:

In the future, the living environment will be alternated by modularized residences in order to save up labor cost and to reduce construction waste. Accordingly, there will be optimized vehicles which are [properly suited] to the future residence. The future mobility will deeply, inevitably harmonized with the living environment.
The way the Quno sits up on those future-homes is reminiscent of the wall-scaling pods in the film Minority Report. Will it ever come to pass? Probably not. We love us some visions of the future, though.

Check out the gallery below for more of the Quno.


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