Biomimetic swimming aid

via Core77 on 5/27/09


The latest biomimetic product design we've seen is a swimming aid for humans, based on the tail of a dolphin, called the Lunocet Swim Fin.

The device consists of carbon fiber hydrofoils attached to a baseplate made from aluminum and titanium. Cycling shoes strap into the baseplate, which is engineered in such a way that the motion of your legs causes the hydrofoils to pivot. The result? "The Lunocet creates lift-based propulsion so powerful it can launch a human out of the water." us skeptics, but we want to see some video.

via inventor spot


Think said...

Video on this was on the history chanel Modern Marvels "Super human"

I would like to see the cost differance and performance compairson between this and the DARPA project product that is a lot larger.

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